徵稿資訊 Call For Papers

論文投稿須知 Submission Guidelines

  1. 論文投稿截止日期為 2024 年 8 月 15 日  2024 年 8 月 31 日 2024年9月12日  2024年9月20日
  2. 本年度年會之投稿論文共分十一大領域及研究生英文報告競賽,請於投稿時選擇適當領域投稿。
  3. 除了研究生英文報告競賽為口頭發表,其他投稿論文一律以海報方式發表。
  4. 以上發表方式均需上傳論文全文(頁),全文僅供評分使用,不公開於本網站與大會手冊。
  5. 基於智慧財產權之保護,論文投稿者須為該篇論文的作者之一以示負責。
  6. 投稿之論文如獲科技部或其他單位補助,請填寫計畫編號。
  7. 填寫論文投稿相關資料後,請依序檢查論文基本資料、作者資料、欲上傳之全文檔,確認無誤後再送出資料。
  8. 投稿論文須完成會議報名方能進行發表。
  9. 每位報名會議者至多可以共同作者身分發表兩篇論文。
  10. 論文接受通知預定於 10月中 發出
  11. 已完成投稿者,若於 10 月 日前未接獲任何確認通知,請儘速與大會聯繫。
  12. 投稿論文須於 10 月 15 日前註冊繳費,其論文題目與作者才會出現於網站與大會手冊。
  13. 因議程規劃時間有限,若未能按照投稿作者註明之發表方式發表,敬請見諒。

  1. The contribution is due on August 15, 2024 August 31, 2024 September 12, 2024   September 20, 2024.
  2. This year's conference accepts papers in eleven major fields, as well as a Graduate Student English Presentation Competition. Please select the appropriate field for your contribution.
  3. Except for the Graduate Student English Presentation Competition, which will be presented orally, all other contributions will be presented as posters.
  4. The full paper (two pages) must be uploaded for all presentation methods. The full paper is for scoring purposes only and will not be published on the website or in the conference handbook.
  5. To protect intellectual property rights, one of the authors must be the submitter of the paper.
  6. If the submitted paper has received funding from the Ministry of Science and Technology or other organizations, please include the project number.
  7. After filling in the relevant information for paper contribution, please check the basic information of the paper, author information, and the full text file to be uploaded in sequence, and then submit the information after confirming that it is correct.
  8. Papers must be submitted by authors who have registered for the conference to be presented.
  9. Each conference registrant can present up to two papers as a co-author.
  10. Acceptance notifications for submitted papers are expected to be sent out by mid-October.
  11. If you have not received any confirmation notification by October 1, please contact the conference as soon as possible.
  12. Submitted papers must be registered and paid for by October 15 for their titles and authors to appear on the website and in the conference handbook.
  13. Due to limited scheduling time, we apologize if we cannot present the papers according to the presentation method indicated by the submitting author.


論文領域 Paper Fields

  1. 能源與永續材料 Energy and Sustainable Materials
  2. 生醫與生物材料 Biomedical and Biomaterials
  3. 奈米材料與分析 Nanomaterials and Analysis
  4. 光電與光學材料 Optoelectronic and Optical Materials
  5. 電子材料(介電、積體、封裝、磁性、熱電) Electronic Materials
  6. 高分子/軟物質材料 Polymer/Soft Matter Materials
  7. 鋼鐵與非鐵金屬材料 Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metal Materials
  8. 理論計算與模擬 Theoretical Calculations and Simulations
  9. 表面改質材料 Surface Modification Materials
  10. 功能性陶瓷材料 Functional Ceramic Materials
  11. 複合材料 Composite Materials


研究生英文報告競賽 Graduate Student English Presentation Competition


For contributions to the Graduate Student English Presentation Competition, please follow the paper contribution process and check the option to participate in the "Graduate Student English Presentation Competition" on the registration webpage. The full paper must be written in English. Those who pass the review will be notified separately for confirmation, and the competition awards will be announced later.


論文撰寫格式 Paper Format

  1. 論文全文格式,請下載範例(中文英文)並依格式撰寫。 
  2. 全文以兩頁為限,上傳之檔案請事先轉成 pdf 檔,檔案大小限制為 5 MB

Please download the sample template (in Chinese or English) and follow the format for writing your full paper. The full paper is limited to two pages. The uploaded file must be converted to a PDF in advance, with a file size limit of 2 MB.


投稿方式 Submission Method

投稿者請先註冊登入本網站,即可於論文投稿分頁中進行線上投稿(截至 2024 年 8 月 15 日  2024 年 8 月 31 日 2024年9月12日 2024年9月20日)

Authors must register and log in to the website before proceeding with online submissions on the paper submission page (until August 15, 2024  August 31, 2024 

  September 12, 2024 September 20, 2024).

線上投稿 Submission

聯絡窗口 Contact


國立中興大學 材料系 蔣于婷小姐 04-22840500#113 (上班時間:8:00-17:00)

Online Submission
Conference Program



即日起~8月15日 8月31日 9月12日  9月20日


